Ep. 7 Making the Magic Happen
Professor John Whitwell
Michigan State University
Jeff spends some time in the van with Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University John Whitwell. Take a stroll down memory lane with the Professor across his 50+ year career of music making.
Ep. 8 Fire Breathing, Breakdancing, and Bacon Scores…
Composer Steven Bryant
Somewhere in the Alps
Jeff takes prolific composer Steven Bryant for a ride in the minivan. Steven breathes fire, talks about the importance of his cat in the compositional process, and the "legal high" of composition.
Ep. 9 You Talkin’ to Me?!?
Professor Joe Alessi
New York Philharmonic – Juilliard School
Join Jeff on a ride with the Trombone legend, Joe Alessi. Learn why Alessi didn't want to play the trombone, the value of singing, and the importance of never giving up.
Ep. 10 Wigs and Keys…
Composer Eric Whitacre
Los Angeles, California
Ride with Jeff and the Grammy Award-winning Composer Eric Whitacre. They'll tackle the tough issues like hair care and the compositional value of animal crackers.
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jonesLeadership LLC
Flower Mound, TX
(512) 710–LEAD (5323)